As we make our way towards the end of the year, it may feel like we're zooming through time and space. I like to think of number 8 as the cosmic order vibration.
Vibrating strongly to shake us and awaken our inner strength. Activating us to the core. Releasing ourselves from shackles that were never locked. Mental - Material shackles.
Illusions, Patterns, and loops may resurface only to remind you of how far you've come - Encouraging Power. Don't be afraid to be who you are.
If you tilt number Eight you will see it makes the infinity sign, reminding us that we are infinite beings who contain the strength to overcome any challenge. It's time to work hard, breaking past any illusions that still may be lingering; illusions of doubt, weakness or failure.
Opportunities may arise this month, propelling you to work hard, while experiencing harmony in the process- bringing a change of view to your perspective. Working hard doesn't always have to be draining, setting solid foundations for yourself don't always have to involve money. Abundance comes in many forms other than the material. Joy, creativity, and freedom are also forms of abundance. It's time to trust, and understand that your efforts are never overlooked.
Sometimes just being YOU can bring the most financial, and creative liberation. Remember, power and change are a big emphasis with 8 being the last number before we get to 9 (closure), so be careful not to react impulsively to things that may trigger you, theres a fine line between transformation and self destruction.
Eight brings karma.
Resilience is key, trust your intuition, know that your are always being guided to make the right decisions. Listen to your dreams, and focus on awareness, the signs are all around you, guiding you to make the right decisions.
Advice - Try listening to 852hz with headphones on. (Pure tone is preferred) -
Note "A" with sound bowls or any instrument.
Doing this will help balance the Sollefgio frequency internally.
Strengthening our intuition, encouraging discernment.

We are also working with a 5 energy here, so there may be a change in career, or the way you approach your practice/work. Maybe the way you approach relationships may change, or a spicy-fiery encounter with someone could spark some sort of internal flame.
Expect some sort of change.
Money matters come to mind, have you been saving?
Or saving so much that you're not enjoying the fruits of your efforts?
Take that vacation, you've worked hard, if not time to roll your sleeves up!
“Working hard doesn't always have to be draining, setting solid foundations for yourself doesn't always have to involve money. Abundance comes in many forms other than the material. Joy, creativity, and freedom are also forms of abundance.”
While you're zooming through the month with all that passion and courage Leo season is bringing in, don't forget to nurture yourself and remember that YOU are also your biggest investment. Biggest investment you'll ever make.
Key Words: Transformation, abundance, power, karma, creation, intuition, work, change.